I feel like I’m getting the hang of talking to my brain

Dear BrainBy the way, guys.  Analytical mind, if you’re poking around, you may, but please keep your opinions to yourself.  We are safe here and don’t need to be correct or perfect.  I promise!  Muse, I’m here and ready to play!

An even more brief letter to my brain

Dear BrainOk, analytical mind.  You’re awesome, and you aren’t needed here right now.  You can come back after we put the notebook down.  Heya, Muse, you still here?  Let’s play!

A brief letter to my brain

Dear BrainAnalytical Mind, if you’re here, now is a good time for you to take a break.  We’re good, we’re safe, we need to just be for a while.  You can come back later, after we leave this coffee shop.

And Muse, if you want to come out now, I’m here, I’m listening, and I’m happy to work on any story you want.  I have a small preference for the [redacted] story.

Thanks, guys!

– Me

I write another letter to my brain

Dear MuseDear Muse,

I know our analytical mind can be a bit overbearing.  It can’t help itself, it’s been this way for years and is still trying to learn how to be gentler.  Please don’t take its antics seriously.  We’re all learning how to be together.  We’ll get better.  Please don’t give up on us too quickly.  Also, if you can find a way to tell me when we’re being too analytical, just like you’ll tell me when you have a great idea, then I promise I’ll try to listen and respond appropriately.  I want to build you a nice safe sandbox, and I also want to work towards making money.  Please help me out.


– Me